On Tuesday, the Probe Team aired stories about tourism packages of different Asian nations and raised the problem of tourism in the Philippines.
The show presented what Singapore, Malaysia, Sabah, among others in Asia, offered to attract visitors and how these countries benefited from tourism.
The question now is, can the Philippines benefit also from tourism? And if so, how do we?
This is a long shot question, but why not? Tourism is an industry that earns millions, if not billions, and it could help this country recover from many of its problems.
However, so many things need to be addressed. We need education, discipline, and the desire to succeed. And by saying “we,” I do not mean “us,” the people. That includes the government, the very people who should be serving us.
Come to think of it, (and I know some of you would raise your eyebrows again) but we need a government who has the desire to actually help us.
Most of us have been to school. But what have learned? If we have learned anything, why not apply what we have learned. But one only needs to open his eyes and we see office people, and in their office uniforms, throwing candy wrappers away like the whole street is their own private trash can.
We see policemen allowing their neighbors to kill dogs so they could be eaten (and I thought it is now illegal for dogs to be made as pulutan).
We see government owned vehicles crossing red lines as if the world is going to end tomorrow, lawmakers’ cars sounding off that noisy sirens as if those who are inside are the most important people on earth who needs to be taken from Paris to Davao in two minutes flat, and licensed drivers crossing pedestrian lanes as if they don’t exist.
When these three, education, discipline, and desire, are addressed then I believe, we won’t have too much of a problem to attract visitors from around the world, and most important of all, attract our own countrymen to visit the next tourist destination at the next town.
But then perhaps, in spite of good education from well known universities and colleges in the country, not too many could survive the game of Monopoly from a first time AI buyer of the said game. And I'm talking about education, discipline, and desire.
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