Sunday, July 20, 2008

Going further

I wanted to stop talking already about the "war" between the pro-reproductive health lawmakers and the church but I can't help it.

I have to admit that I got engrossed with the topic so much so that I read more about it. I even tried checking House Bill 4110 and see if there was any sign that it was promoting abortion. I did not find anything. Perhaps anyone out there can point me to the section of House Bill 4110 or any other House Bill that promotes abortion.

And then I read a blog entitled "Bishops and Abortion." I can't help myself but ask "is it really about abortion? i thought all the while that it was just rerproductive health without even the mention of abortion."

The reply - "reproductive health" is code for abortion.

I can't believe this!

I had to wait for days to clear my mind. I don't want to write and be too emotional about the whole thing at the same time. I might write something I might want to take back later.

But even up to now, I just want to scream. And to think that the blog mentioned above is from a Catholic institution. I can't believe that they'd treat me as if I was just another blind follower. But still, probably, because of the Internet's anonymity, they probably might have surmised that I can't find my way through the net. Still, I had to remind myself to be more understanding than I usually am.

But going back to the threat that pro-reproductive bill lawmakers have received from the bishops, that they will be refused communion, maybe the bishops can go a bit further by excommunicating them. And while I am not a lawmaker myself, maybe, they can put my name first in the list.


Tribo said...

wow dyoni, i'm amazed that you have time to write on such controversial subject as the reproductive bill, with all our mundane everyday needs to attend to, work, eat, sleep etc...

but this sets you apart from the ordinary people who don't care at all with anything controversial & cerebral

keep this up more power

streetstopper said...

hello tribo!

how i wish i have more time to write about the stuff that goes through my head.

it just so happens that that is not the case right now.

i wanted to write something, at least one every week, but i have to admit that i fell short.

maybe next time, after SP, and when all my extra work are done.

thanks for the nice words.

i'm touch! LOL!